Content Writing Services for Small Businesses

content writing services for small businesses

In today’s digital era, having an online footprint isn’t any more a luxury but a necessity. Especially for the small businesses, it’s the need of the hour. Small businesses these days aspire to build long-term relationships with customers instead of engaging in a one-time upshot. For engaging the audience on a regular basis, nothing works better than serving them with high-quality content with the inherent value proposition. And that is where professional content writing services for small businesses can lend you a hand. 

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Content Assistant, content writing services firm, provides a range of customized content solutions for businesses and companies.

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Content not only helps showcase an excellent brand story but also builds goodwill that lasts. And when your content game is on point, it takes your sales goal to reach its maximum potential. However, curating content that converts takes patience and effort. Starting from consistency, and engagement, to emotional kinship, every quality content and copy should consist of valuable elements that establish you as the authority for your field. 

And all of this and more can be achieved with the power of exceptional writing.

content writing services for small business help in

Types of Content Writing Services Small Businesses Require:

As a budding business venture, you will have to be vigilant with what sort of content writing services you would want to avail from the market. So before you go ahead and hire a content writing service firm, freelancer, or even a full-time content writer, it’s encouraged to do thorough research first. 

The research should address the main question that asks-What kind of content aligns with your business requirements? The content forms can vary from writing blogs, articles, posts for social media, sales copies, e-mailers, video or audio scripts, press releases, corporate materials, technical papers, and so on. 

Once you determine the same, you can hire a content writing service that would pen down the right words for you. 

Let’s skim through the list and explore the various services offered by content writing services for small businesses:

Types of content writing services for small businesses

1. Website Content Writing Services

The digital era that we live in has made it necessary for a business to have an online presence. It not only adds credibility to the brand but also helps to flourish globally.

Writing relevant content on websites has become an integral part of any business’s content marketing strategy. In 2020 alone, around 69% of content marketers have reported getting the maximum leads with an effective documented content marketing strategy.  

Website content writing refers to the practice of writing optimum content for a business brand on its official website. Here the writing is focussed on the target audience and the goals set by the content marketer. 

It has to communicate the company’s objective effectively to its readers. The short attention span of the visitors can be increased if the company puts out engaging content on its website. 

Website content writing thus plays a key role in creating more leads if done the right way. 

It means that the words written on the website are as important as the website design. One of the effective ways to enhance content layout can be the use of precise and catchy phrases. Another way is to use real testimonials from a former customer/client that testifies the services’ quality. Hiring a content writing service firm for small businesses is the best way to create a quality website.

Types of content covered:

  • Website Copy
  • Website pages
  • Home page
  • Landing pages
  • Category pages
  • Service Pages
  • Product description 
  • Pricing pages
  • Solutions
  • About us page
  • Resource Page
  • Blog page
  • Testimonials
  • Customer success stories 

2. SEO Content Writing Services

SEO (Search engine optimization) aims at making a website easily visible in search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc.

The most popular search engine, “Google” alone gets around 3.5 billion searches per day. Also, the number of websites getting registered on the internet is increasing with each passing year. 

Search engines normally use algorithms specifically trained to rank the websites that match the words entered in their search bar. These words are referred to as “Keywords.”

Therefore, for the website to get noticed, it must have relevant information that matches the keywords. This information is the “content,” which has to be written after an in-depth “keyword research” session.

So now, if an e-commerce company wants to increase their sales, they will optimize their content so that their brand gets ranked at the highest. Therefore, they incorporate their websites with words that can be easily caught upon by the search engine’s algorithm.

This type of content writing is referred to as “SEO content writing.” Content can be anything depending on the website’s intended audience. All these have one thing in common; the words are mainly bombarded to attract more readers and increase brand visibility on the internet platform. 

Good content helps you rank on google and generate traffic on your website. If you ideate to make your articles rank on google in the top list, then you might need some SEO expert help. An SEO content writer is someone who is an expert in generating content that ranks on Google and across the web.

Content writing services for small businesses have a vast knowledge of search engine optimization and how to market the content.

Types of content covered:

  • Blogs
  • Articles
  • Research Papers
  • White Papers
  • Press Release 

3. Blog Writing Services

The blog is a short term for a website log. It dates back to 1994 when it was treated like a personal journal written online. This has changed over the years, and blog writing has now extended to business blogs.

Blog writing is a long-form of writing where the words express an opinion or experience of the writer. It aims to garner business and is used as an effective medium to voice an opinion on things that matter or share a personal experience.

A personal blog does not require any specific expertise, other than good command over the language as it involves journalling. Business blog posts can be found on companies’ website pages and are long-form articles related to the niche the business belongs to. For example, a makeup brand will have blogs on, say, beauty tips. So the writer here should have sound knowledge on the topic they’re writing.

A properly structured blog post with lists and catchy headlines grab more attention from the audience. Personal Blogs get their loyal audience who relate to the writer’s content. On the other hand, the business blog majorly focuses on increasing the visibility of their website on search engines.

Blogs also act as an effective lead creation tool if they are of top quality and speak about things that can be associated with a brand’s products. When customers return to you for resources, they are more likely to turn to you for purchase. Content writing services for small businesses can be hired for creating regular blogs for lead generation.

  • Blogs
  • Articles
  • Web blogs
  • Guest blogs

4. Social Media Marketing Content Writing Services

Social media is the best place to promote your work and the services you provide. At an initial stage, social media helps you to reach out to your target audience as soon as possible, and it’s also economically feasible. A social media writer can help you create engaging content for your business to post on social media and promote your services. 

If you deliver good content without grammatical errors, typos, punctuation errors, then you are all set to rank your business online through content writing. It’s said that your content reflects your business, and Content is King! 

If you can connect with your target audience, then you are halfway there to impress the public with the services you provide. Content writing is a way to get your business ranked on google. The professional content writing services can do wonders for your small business.

Types of content covered:

  • Social media posters
  • Social media ads
  • Social media captions
  • Social media copies
  • E-mailers

5. Copywriting Services

Copywriting works on the principle of less is more. A writer who can push their creative boundaries can also weave words into an easy to absorb language. Copywriters possess the quality of grabbing people’s attention within 5 seconds or less. The choice of words, the message, and the humor they put into the content crack the deal. And so, when analytical and creativity skills meet, you get an excellent sales copy for your business that converts. 

Copywriting is the act of putting words in a way that persuades consumers to buy a product. It essentially has an instant call-to-action tone and is used extensively by digital marketers.

It can be a simple email subject line or complex, like a full-fledged website advertisement. The motive of copywriting is to focus on gaining more responses from its recipients. Statistics prove that even a minute change in a sentence can bring in more leads to the businesses.

It can be broadly classified into two categories, direct response copywriting and SEO copywriting. The former type is used for flyers, email, fax, brochures, etc., where the company website has not many roles to play, unlike SEO copywriting. In SEO copywriting, the phrases are arranged in the website content to add value to the page while ranking the websites high up on a search engine platform.

The best digital marketing strategies might fail if it does not have a copy that efficiently sells the USP of a product. Copywriting in any form is an integral part of the content marketing policies of any business. So much so that most B2B companies either hire or outsource their copywriting needs to a content writing service firm.

Types of content covered:

  • Infographics
  • Website copies
  • Product Descriptions
  • Social Media Captions
  • Social Media Ads
  • E-Mailers
  • Advertising Copies
  • Landing Pages

6. Scriptwriting Services

A scriptwriter is indeed a creative writing specialist. They possess a knack for storytelling and bring the words out in a way that is pleasing to the ears. A scriptwriter takes writing skill up a notch when they visualize how words will come to life when put in a video or an audio format.

Small businesses can make videos for content marketing purpose. Content writing services for small business can help them in creating valuable scripts for their videos.

Types of content covered:

  • Video Scripts
  • Podcast Scripts
  • Advertising Scripts
  • Motion Graphics

7. Technical Content Writing Services

Small businesses that deal with technology, equipment, machinery, gadgets, etc. require Technical Writing services. Technical writing is something that is not everybody’s cup of tea. This is a vast niche in particular, which comprises technology gadgets and gizmos, content related to machinery and computer science. Technical writing needs specialization if one has to fulfill client requirements precisely. 

It is very important to have the skill to create crisp content to write a technical article or blog. The primary goal of a technical writer is to deliver information that is understandable to novice readers.  Small businesses can hire content writing services for delivering technical content to their clients, customers, and audience.

Types of content covered:

  • Technical Guides
  • FAQ’s
  • How-to’s guides
  • User Manuals 
  • Product Descriptions

8. Press Release Writing Services

If you are planning to launch a new product or service and wish to build your brand value, then making a press release is a good option. To spread the word about your brand, a press release is the best option to make people aware of this. 

Businesses send these written releases to various media platforms to promote and publish them so that they get more traffic for their business. A press release is different from the news; the primary aim of a press release is to inform people about the services provided by a particular company or business. Hiring content writing services for small businesses that are proficient in writing press releases can work wonders for businesses.

Types of content covered:

  • Interviews
  • Brand stories
  • Press Releases
  • Company Blogs
  • Company Personas

Importance of High-Quality Content for Small Businesses

content writing services solve customer issues for small business and generate leads

Reach the Audience Efficiently with Quality Content: 

There is no way anyone would be able to correlate to your brand if you don’t speak directly to them. For your audience to understand your products and services inside-out, it’s essential that you provide them ample information before they choose you instead of your competitors. 

Build Content That Interests Audience:

But before you plunge into doing so, it’s necessary to build content around their interest areas and keep them interested. By this, what we mean is, you should, without any fail, keep emphasizing the message your brand promotes in innovative ways. It can be either through long-form content or a simple social media poster. 

Upgrade Your Brand Image: 

The content you prefer to put up on your website or social media pages will keep them notified and excited for any upcoming announcements, if any, from your end. And by doing so, you will also get to upgrade your brand image. 

New Ideas and Creative Content

Nevertheless, remember, you cannot afford to lack creativity when it comes to creating out of the box content. The audience is surrounded by tons of information on the web, it’s easy to get distracted, so you cannot settle for less. Keep updating, improvising, and coming up with new strategies and ideas for creating content. 

Reap the benefits of Content Marketing

During a survey conducted among global marketers in mid-2019, 91% of respondents said they were in fact already using content marketing as part of their promotional efforts. Content Marketing is crucial to showcase your brand as the leader in the industry.

Your business is your brand. A brand that should speak for itself. The voice, mission, and vision statements should be clear and concise. For you, your audience is the primary and only focus. But for your audience, they are only interested in your products or services if you keep ‘something in it for them’! Don’t even try to flatter them with the gimmicks. They need value with every next product or service that you have to offer. Last but not least, your business needs sales! Content is the first thing that your audience interact with on your web properties and social media pages. Therefore, quality content is indispensable for businesses.

Advantages of Hiring Content Writing Services For Small Businesses:

Without content, your business won’t outlive. That’s a fact! Anything that goes out on the web or the print, content makes it engaging. Content is the heart of your marketing strategies. 

So, in a nutshell, here are five crucial reasons how hiring quality content writing services can make your small business flourish: 

1. Helps Build Business Awareness

Publishing content that revolves around your products and services helps your potential customers be familiar with the products, which eventually intrigues them to buy or avail them. Content Writing Services have content writing specialists well-versed with the majority of the niches.

2. Great Content Improves Brand Image

When you tailor necessary information and churn them into meaningful content for your target audience by which they can reap benefits directly, they look forward to reading more from you. Content writing services for small businesses give out worthy information that your business need, without which getting conversions would always be a distant dream.

3. A Well-Structured Content Gains More Traction

The more your post or blog has relevant information; the more people tend to consume it and share it. The best part is, content writing services have a content writer for each of your content needs. 

4. Credibility Increases When Someone Refers To Our Content For Reference 

People are consuming content all the time. From online mediums to traditional papers, from listening to podcasts to watching videos, everything begins with creating quality content.  Under the aegis of a professional content writing service for small businesses, you are able to consistently post high-quality blogs, videos, or social media posts.

5. Fulfills Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Requirements

If you are executing practical ways of optimizing your content and following almost all the content writing methods, your SEO rankings can gradually improve. Though it comes with a lot of hard work and perseverance but isn’t unachievable for sure. Hiring a content writing service firm for your small business can help you achieve your SEO goals swiftly.

To Sum It Up

Developing a piece of content that stands out from the rest is a tough cookie to crack. But consistency is the key. Never overlook the metrics, trends, and reactions you get out from what you decide to put on your website or other platforms; analyze it, and never stop improving the content. Quality supersedes quantity, always! 

There are various content writing tools available to help small businesses identify where their content lacks engagement, readability, grammar, SEO, etc. Make use of those tools to leverage the best out of your content writing. 

Once you know what your audience wants and reacts positively to any post or blog, try creating more of such content to retain their attention.

However, it is advisable to hire a content writing service firm that specializes in writing quality content for small businesses. In an unknown terrain, it is prudent to seek the guidance of experts who know exactly what kind of content your small business would require to compete with its peers. Contact Us for hiring the best content writing services for your small business.

Author Bio:

Supratika Nandi is a freelance content contributor at Content Assistant. She is a content writer whose passion transformed into a profession a year back. She has an exceptional knowledge of modern content writing tools and strategies. She is a voracious reader and loves to watch movies in her free time.

Supratika Nandi